Open-Box strategy
Open-Box strategy
Open-Box strategy
Open-Box strategy
Open-Box strategy
Open-Box strategy


Open-Box brand activation
Open-Box brand activation
Open-Box brand activation
Open-Box brand activation
Open-Box brand activation
Open-Box brand activation

brand activation

Open-Box design & Experience
Open-Box design & Experience
Open-Box design & Experience
Open-Box design & Experience
Open-Box design & Experience
Open-Box design & Experience

design & Experience

Open-Box technology
Open-Box technology
Open-Box technology
Open-Box technology
Open-Box technology
Open-Box technology


we turn somersaults

We are a communication and web development agency. Since 2008 the digital world is our natural habitat, supporting brands and companies in their developing activities. Our projects focus on creativity and technology, allowing us to lend a competitive edge to our customers.

Open-Box Strategy


Technology, platforms, and contents are the path, not the destination. Starting from the data and their analysis we collect valuable insights that allow us to understand users and scenarios. We strategically activate the most suitable channels for the needs of brands and users, giving expression to the creative aspect.

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Open-Box Brand

Brand Activation

In today’s common, complex scenario of users being more and more informed, but at the same time “overwhelmed” by content and purchase requests, it is now crucial for brands to find a way to first capture their attention and then talk, creating strong connections between the brand and users.

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Open-Box Design

Design & Experience

We implement creative and impactful experiences that awake the potential of brands and enable them to communicate at their best with all stakeholders. We give expression to the brand and all its assets, starting from the visual identity and studying its various aspects in order to enhance and fully respect its DNA and essence.

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Open-Box Tech


Technology is a driver that allows us to improve each project, providing accurate answers to the needs of companies and users. Easing all the steps, activities and tasks, it’s a decisive element of our work. These are challenges that force us to keep up to date and embrace the constant evolution of tools and solutions.

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Case study

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