To reach a highly defined audience in terms of demographic characteristics and affinity with the Brand’s Buyer Personas, in the European countries identified as the primary target market. In addition to the priority objective of brand awareness, the aim was to generate traffic to the website dedicated to the new Colour-book “The Colours of Wellbeing”.
At the same time, a social adv activity was launched, sponsoring some of the posts made to audiences defined according to their interests and demographic characteristics.

For the Influencer Marketing campaign, 7 middle-influencers from the UK, DE, NL, FR, NO, received a copy of “The Colours of Wellbeing” colour book so that they could browse through it and be inspired by the new colours and tips from experts in the field.
The creators, selected from a data-driven perspective, presented the Brand, its values, and the new products, highlighting its plus points and distinctive features through Instagram Stories and Posts. The former had a more educational role, while the posts were given the task of inspiring colour combinations to create comfortable interiors by showing the pages of the Rockfon catalogue.
+1MPeople Reached
+135KStories Viewed
+12.5KInteractions Recorded
+400Visits to Website